I start with wishing you all on the occasion of ThanksGiving. A wonderful tradition followed by people of the foreign shores to thank and and express gratitude.
In heavily exaggerated tones, the author of this blog has introduced me several times here and I guess most of you might be well acquainted with me already.
So..what the hell am I doing here?
Well my creative cells were dying away so I asked Pankhuri to explore my creativity at creativity explored.
This blog came up in the blogosphere some years back and has been doing exceptionally well since then. So much so, this should be the 150 th post for the blog.
So there is a message I would like to dispense to you all...
Speak Up .... For you don't know how much your silence is going to cost you.
Speak Up .... For your opinion may matter more than you can imagine.
Speak Up ... For thoughts have no value until they are shared.
Speak Up ... For the world and yourself to know exactly who you are.
And what wonderful medium you can come across to speak so freely than blogging.
Have a great day people. Enjoy !!!
Tushar Mangl
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